The final European Conference of EBE-EUSMOSI
The final European Conference of EBE-EUSMOSI took place in the Italian Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca)!
Our EBE-EUSMOSI Conference on Tuesday, 27th June 2017 in Rome was a huge success! More than 100 teachers, experts and practitioners discussed with us our experiences and results from last three years in EBE-EUSMOSI and shared their own opinions and experiences.
EBE-EUSMOSI was proud to organize the final event with the support by Italian Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research in its prestigious Sala della Communicazione of the National ministry Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, located at Viale Trastevere 76/a, Rome, Italy.
The following presentation were provided:
The Evidence-Based Model for Inclusion (presenter: Annalisa Morganti)
The PROSEL Programme (presenter: Robert Roche and Annalisa Morganti)
Open Educational Resources for Inclusion (presenter: Christian M. Stracke and Alessandra Antonaci)
For more information check the details of the Programme of the EBE-EUSMOSI European Conference in Rome.